Saturday, September 10, 2011

Wasatch 100 finisher!

I admit, I did not sleep very well last night.  It was like Christmas.  I was so excited to go see this guy finish!  We left about 5 am to head up to The Homestead in Midway.  First let me just say that this kid went to being addicted from other things that are not good for your body and became addicted to running.   Awesome.  He has not been running very long.  He placed 23 overall!  OVERALL!  He rocked that race no problem and looked great at the finish.  I am so glad that he has found something he can do that he enjoys so much and keeps him focused.  I can relate, I have the same addictive personality and exercise is my drug of choice.  I literally go through withdrawals when I don't get enough!  Ahhhhh, it's great.

A strong finish.  No limping, crying, or walking.  He felt great.

I must say I was so disappointed at the finish they had for these runners.  I know its the middle of the night for half of them or early morning but it was just a couple of people hanging out.  Don't get me wrong....they all cheered for the runners coming in but I felt like there needed to be a live band and a dunkin tank or something.  Right?  Am I right?  I think they should party that finish line up.  Just sayin.

"Yes, I'm tired.  No I do not want to eat.  Yes, take me home."  Ok Seth, hop in the trunk because we don't want your stinky body in our car. :)

Stretching it out or picking a wedgie....can't really tell.  I'm leaning towards the wedgie.  Congratulations Seth.

On our drive home my sister called and begged me to meet her at the mouth of the canyon for a run.  I did have my running shoes on, and a sports bra under my clothes.  I was in baggy sweats but I figured what the heck.  I had just eaten a protein bar.  I didn't really want too but I am so glad I did.  We did a six mile run, mostly on trails.  It felt great once we were done....Ok, it felt pretty good during as well. 

I called my hubby on the way home to put in my order for a protein shake.  He made me a ginormous smoothie that was waiting on the counter when I got home.  What a saint.


 How attractive is this picture?  I don't know what the H my arms are doing but see how big my shake was?  That was the goal.  Not so obvious, I know.

Lunch was an amazing spinach salad with strawberries, blueberries, walnuts, egg whites, and chicken.  I mixed up a little balsamic dressing to have on top.  But.......

I needed something sweet and my neighbor brought over my most favorite dessert in the whole world so I had a little.  Mint chocolate chip ice cream, cookies and cream ice cream, toasted coconut, marshmellowy hot fudge sauce, and an mint oreo crust/topping.  Oh my lands.  I love it.  I shared this with my husband but we hid it from the kids.  Of course.  

I just wanted to show you how many pears we picked today.  I can't wait till they are ripe and I can eat them straight out of the box.  But I have no idea how we are going to eat so many.  I will be giving pears away like crazy.

Dinner was an egg white breakfast burrito with spinach, salsa, and a little chicken on a La Tortilla Factory tortilla.  I had a side of tomatoes with dip as well. 
*I know those don't look like egg whites and your all thinking, "ya right....that is straight yokes.  I mean look how yellow they are."  The truth is...dun dun dun, sometimes I get lazy and use the egg white substitute from Costco.  It's just so easy.  And I have no idea why its so yellow if its 99.9% egg whites.

Tomorrow is Sunday and I will be posting a couple of recipes!  Hooray.

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