Shoulder Medley - 3 rounds
20 front raises 15/20
20 upright row 15/20
20 OH press 15/20
*I added a 400 meter sprint here
Triceps Medley - 3 rounds
10 narrow push-ups BW
20 skull crushers 15/20
20 OH French press 15/20
*Added a 1 min sprint
Ab Medley - 3 rounds
20 situps
20 R side ups
20 L side ups
20 Superman back ext's
*Added a 1 minute sprint after every round
Biceps 21’s - 3 rounds
7 bottom to half 15/20
7 half to full 15/20
7 full 15/20
*Added a one minute sprint
Legs Medley -3 rounds
20 BTB squats
20 alternating lunge switches
20 single leg DL 15/20
*Added a 400 meter sprint
Then I did some chest and shoulders on the pulleys. Threw in some abs at the end.
Then I talked my friend into getting off her stair climber and doing sprints with me. We did a twenty minute workout sprinting one minute on one minute off. Sprint speeds were 9.5 to 10.0. I was a sweaty gal! I finished off my workout with twenty minutes on the stair climber. I was so happy I got some good cardio in and felt so great. I am slightly obsessed with my water bottle. Water is so important for you. As long as I have my trusty bottle in hand I usually get in about a hundred oz per day.
I had a ginormous protein shake. I bottle of coconut water, one and a half scoops protien, ice, and a handful of spinach. It was huge and so yummy. I downed the whole thing. No prob!
For lunch I had a veggie/protien plate. Spinach, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, egg whites, turkey, a tablespoon of my jalapeno yogurt dip, and threw in some cracker for some carbs. I once again....ate the whole thing. Geez.
Afternoon snack. Plain greek yogurt, Kashi Crunch, and blueberries. This is one of my favorite snack ever. And you get a ton of protien, your carbs, and sweet crunchy goodness.
This is where my day kinda went downhill. I did get my house cleaned and even better I got my five year old and three year old to help! Dinner was crazy and I ended up eating only an apple with almond butter, 3 egg whites, and a SMALL whole wheat blueberry pancake. Then we had to run out the door, drop kids off at grandmas, and be somewhere by 6:30. We were on out way home about 9:30 and my husband is starving and decides he really wants sushi. So we went out to eat at 9:30 at night! That is something I never do. I had some tofu veggie dish that was really good but not so good for me. Then we headed next door and shared an ice cream. Wow, I feel really gross but here's to a great Saturday workout tomorrow.