Monday, May 14, 2012

I have a good excuse....

Warning...this post is not fitness/health related as much.  Lots of catch up and pics. 

First off I have been a slacker for a good reason.  We are expecting our fourth baby this fall!  Fourth!  Holy crap.  I am not sick anymore thank goodness.  I was eating crazy there for awhile.....just what I could, and working out when I could do it without vomiting.  If I posted that I was eating spaghetti sauce on toast everyday it would have been obvious.  I am a lot more relaxed with eating when I'm pregnant but still try to be pretty good.

I ate some greek yogurt before the gym this morning.  Worked legs today.  I'm going to be sore.  Then I did 15 minutes on the stairclimber and fifteen minutes doing walking hills on the treadmill.  B-fast was a couple whole wheat pancakes.  

Summer is in three weeks which means I wont have to wake up so early anymore!!!  Hooray!

This is a fifteen week pic.   I popped out really fast this time.  Maybe because its my fourth.  :)

We have enjoyed this nice weather so much.  Lots of going up the canyon and playing outside.

Getting filthy everyday.

We took a couple days and did a staycation.   We hit up the new museum.

Snuggled in the hotel.

Ordered room service which was nasty.  Jose and I really wanted to go to this little place up in the canyon for b fast but the girls really wanted to eat b fast in bed.  

 Also went to a local aviary.

This is a bad habit that he really needs to break asap.


 Somebody had a birthday.

More canyon time.  

This one even prefers to do her homework outdoors.  :)

I will try to post more regularly now that the news is out.  At least once a week.  :)