Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pumpkin time

I did the class yesterday.  It was hard.  But I'm not sore today so it was not a complete success.  I am going to give it one more go and see how it is next Monday.  

Today I woke up at 4:45 in order to get my booty to spin.  I love spin.  I sweat so much and feel like I get such a great workout.  However, when I woke up this morning I wanted nothing more than to crawl back into bed.  I was so tired and in a funk for some reason.  But I made myself go and I am glad I did.  I was planning on lifting after but that didn't happen so much.  I did 3 sets of 15 TRX push-ups, 3 sets of 15 TRX rollouts, 3 sets of 15 woodchoppers, and 60 pushups.  Then I was done!  My body was tired.  I felt like I just needed to go home and let it rest.  I got home around 6:30 and went back to bed till eight thirty.  Thanks to the hubs who got the little one off to school.  :)

Some meals/snacks I have eaten the last day and a half.....

Pumpkin oats with banana and a blender shake for breakfast.

Tuna sandwich on the go.   I'm so glad I had thought ahead and made this.  We had a funeral yesterday and by the time it was over I was starving.  But no worries....I had a sandwich in my car!

Dinner last night was soup, salad and bread.  (not pictured)

 Breakfast this morning was just a piece of peanut butter and honey toast.  Boring....but I was in a bleh mood, remember?

I felt like I needed some veggies at lunchtime but didn't really want any.  The solution....throw two huge handfuls of spinach in a protein shake.  Wa-la!  Veggies are in my tummy!

Last night we had my bro and sis in law, and my neighbor over for our "annual pumpkin carving night."  I usually let the kiddos paint their pumpkins but we did a different approach last night.  Pipe cleaners, pom poms, and markers.  The mess was minimal and the kids loved it.

Olives "curly cues" and big spider.  Her pumpkin is so adorable on my front porch.

The beginning of Meghan's monster.  By the end this thing was covered in fluff and had horns and all.

See?  Not too big of a mess...right?

The "men" still carve their pumpkins.  Even with their disgusted faces.

This is Marcus with his nasty stash wondering why men ever become gynecologists.  We told him to do his gyno face.

I'm off to bunko tonight.  So far so good on my no sugar.  Bunko is always sugar overload and Lyndsey heaven but I will be strong!  :)

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